The Status of your Country as of 02/22/1998
Country Name  And Ora (#195)  Government Republic
Turns Left 21  Turns Taken 2770  Turns Stored 0
Population 145,281  Money $799,463  Food 624,488 Bushels
Tax Rate 19%  Taxes $1,545,790  Food Production 56,788 bushels
Per Capita Income $56.00  Expenses $1,324,095  Food Consumption 49,832 bushels
Land 4562 Acres  Rank 46  Net Worth 16,405,384
Expense Breakdown 
Military $935,050  Land $64,433 Alliances $324,612
Alliances 3 Defensive Alliances,  2 Technology Alliances, and 1 Intelligence Alliance
Land Distribution  Military Forces  Technology Ratings
Enterprise Zones 835  Troops 809,000  Military 17,480 
Residences 1460  Jets 770,000  Medical 23,480 
Industrial Complexes 460  Turrets 888,000  Business 46,015 
Military Bases 340  Tanks 710,000  Residential 39,190 
Research Labs 675  Spies 588,000  Agricultural 33,437 
Farms 635  Nuclear Weapons 13  Warfare 12,410 
Construction Sites 45  Chemical Weapons 11  Weapons 24,720 
National Parks 112  BioTech Weapons Industrial 26,015 
SDI 33,305 

New Dawn Alliance
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